Worth the wait?


Advice is great, but advice on its own won’t make you a better writer. We become better writers by writing and it’s always easier to write when we’re inspired. To that end, a creative prompt using an ordinary item.


worth the wait? | an exercise in answering the question for ourselves

we live in the day of the instant

If we want it, we want it now.

We expect it fast, and if it ever fails to meet our expectations, we no longer wait. We move on to the next thing. The quicker one. The readily available, the instant gratification.

Waiting now feels like a fool’s errand, like standing with your arms wide open in the middle of nowhere, eyes closed, blindly repeating to yourself, “One day, it’ll come. One day, they’ll come.”

This begs the question we all must answer for ourselves — is there anything left worth waiting for?

Today’s task: answer that question

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My name is Derek and I write all kinds of things for businesses of every size in many different industries. Do you have a writing or strategy need? This is what I love to do.

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