Ice cream, dairy-free


Advice is great, but advice on its own won’t make you a better writer. We become better writers by writing and it’s always easier to write when we’re inspired. To that end, a creative prompt using an ordinary item.


ice cream, dairy-free | an exercise in — maybe enough is enough?

This week’s ordinary item: Dairy-free ice cream

What is it? Snow Monkey makes delicious dairy-free anytime desserts. While it looks like ice cream, it actually contains no dairy and is vegan, plant-based, paleo, gluten-free, nut-free, and high in protein.

It’s time to stop this.

We box them in.

We tell them you’re for this place, but this place only - don’t move. We’ll come to you when we’re ready. Until then, stay there.

We’re talking about desserts of course.

And perhaps this type of treatment has gone on for far too long. At least that’s what one company has been trying to convince me of.

Snow Monkey is on a mission to reinvent staple favorite desserts as delicious fuel for a healthy, active life - starting with ice cream. Using only fruits, seeds and superfoods - they’ve made a dessert that breaks down the walls.

Today’s task: Snow Monkey started with reinventing ice cream, but they’re not stopping there. Which dessert should they focus on next?

Leave a comment making your most compelling case for the dessert you want them to reinvent. (Feel free to make it as dramatic and urgent as possible)

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My name is Derek and I write all kinds of things for businesses of every size in many different industries. Do you have a writing or strategy need? This is what I love to do.

Derek Gillette3 Comments