Photo generator, random


Advice is great, but advice on its own won’t make you a better writer. We become better writers by writing and it’s always easier to write when we’re inspired. To that end, a creative prompt using an ordinary item.


photo generator, random | an exercise in writing about what others don’t see

When words don’t quite do it

There’s nothing quite like trying to describe something that you see clearly, but that others don’t.

We try many words, describing the feeling and the setting, but still…whichever words we try they always seem to feel a little incomplete.

Others may nod their head, but we wonder, do they really see it like I do? Can they see it at all? Because part of sharing the words is to try and have someone else to see with us, so clearly.

There is nothing quite like this feeling.

Today’s task: Click this link and write a few sentences about the photo that pops up. It will be a random photo, could be anything. Take a few moments to look and then write to us about it. We won’t be able to see the photo, but you will paint the picture for us.

I’ll go first.

Purple, all around, but fading. I see mostly water, but off in the distance, land and then a bridge between the land. It’s faint and distant and fading, but still, there’s solid ground and a bridge between here and there.

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My name is Derek and I write all kinds of things for businesses of every size in many different industries. Do you have a writing or strategy need? This is what I love to do.

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