Tea, cacao


Advice is great, but advice on its own won’t make you a better writer. We become better writers by writing and it’s always easier to write when we’re inspired. To that end, a creative prompt using an ordinary item.


tea, cacao | an exercise in magical beans

This week’s ordinary item: Cacao tea

What is it: Cacao tea is tea brewed from the husks surrounding the cacao bean. This tea is high in the many beneficial properties of chocolate without the added calories and sugars.

There are no more magical beans

“There are no more magical beans. It had been simple before, when they were plentiful. Sow and then reap. A bean planted, and then, up to the heavens you went, carried by the fruits of your labors.

But the beans are gone, now what? How does one ascend? Or are we simply left to walk the earth where we are planted, never venturing up, up, up?”

It was another philosophical lecture destined to end with a shrug of the shoulders or a wringing of the hands. There can be an annoying smugness in such intellectual posturing.

“The husks!”

“Yes, every magical bean grew inside of a husk, what about them?”

“The beans are gone, but what of the husks?”

“I’m not sure. What does it matter? The beans are gone.”

“If the beans were magical, couldn’t the husks also contain something of the magic? Not in the same concentration, of course, but still, if we could find these husks…”

A committee was organized, some of the husks were found, quickly planted, and then…nothing.

“Planting does no good. What of a drink?”

More of the husks were found and a drink was made. Then they drank.

What happens next? Add to this story or write a few short sentences of your own.

Inspire someone else — share this page with a friend or colleague.


My name is Derek and I write all kinds of things for businesses of every size in many different industries. Do you have a writing or strategy need? This is what I love to do.

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